Our Mission

As the original people of Turtle Island (North America) we are naturally obligated to preserve and sustain our culture and heritage as passed down to us by the Creator, our ancestors and elders. The Centre will be a gathering place to socialize and access services that improve an individual’s quality of life.

The Centre will create networks and develop partnerships to ensure urban Indigenous peoples  issues are addressed in a sensitive and equitable manner.

Guiding Principles: Directors, Staff and Volunteers of the Centre will be guided by the Seven Grandfather Teachings to fulfill its vision and mission through various services, programming and activities.

Our Vision

The Creator has given Native people the gift to reach out to others and to value relationships. We will support all people to reach their potential.


Keep up to date with our various events at the centre and in the community!

Programs and Staff

Read about our many programs and the stellar team that makes them happen!


Read about how issues that are impacting us, and how we are impacting issues!


Wisdom – To Cherish knowledge is to know Wisdom

Respect – To Honour all of creation is to have Respect

Love – To Love is to know Peace

Bravery – To be Brave is to face the foe with Integrity

Honesty – to be Honest in facing a situation is to be Brave

Humility – Is to know yourself as a Sacred part of Creation

Truth – Is to Know all of these Things

We Believe…

  • In the inherent values that form the foundation of the Friendship Centre: sharing, caring, kindness, and strength
  • That each individual is unique with individual strengths to build on
  • The family is the centre of the community
  • In working to create harmonious relations and partnerships with the non-Aboriginal community;
  • In being accountable to the members and for effective programs and services
  • In providing a holistic and empowering environment guided by the Medicine Wheel Teaching